FREE College Admissions Webinar
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Junior Family College Night
Thursday, Dec 9, 2021 (English)
2021 年 UC 加州申请大学 Part 2
上线中文版:2021 年10月22日(星期六)
下午6:00 - 7:00 (美西时间)
2022 年美國新聞與世界報導的大學排行榜近日已公佈, UC加大九個本科分校有八個在一百名以內。這些學費優惠,排名跟知名度都很高的加大分校越來越受全世界學生與家長的歡迎,也造成了入學錄取難度年年提高!
UC 加大各分校去年錄取率幾乎全面大跌的情況下,2022 年的申請競爭可想而知。現在已經十月底,一個月後截止的 UC 加大申請資料,你準備好了嗎? 這週的講座內容會是把今年 UC 加州大學審核部年度大會所發佈的重要資料分享, 其中包含 2022 年申請與審核上重大改變以及選學院專業對錄取的影響。還會分享 UC 加大申請資料中個人自傳該怎麼展現,審核員眼中哪種申請自傳能加分而不踩坑?想了解本次加大審核部年會審核員對申請的重要提點,千萬不要錯過本週的教育講座! |
Sending Your Child to College:
Financial Aid Planning & College Applications Webinar
ONLINE: Thursday, Oct 14, 2021 (English)
上线中文版:2021 年10月15日(星期六)
Sending Your Child to College:
Financial Aid Planning & College Applications Seminar
In-Person: Saturday, Oct 16, 2021 (English)
2:00 - 3:30 PM (Pacific Time)
SEMINAR LocationSan Marino Branch
2920 Huntington Drive, Suite 110B San Marino, CA 91108 (626) 286-0200 Email: [email protected] |
ICYMI: Winning College Applications during the Pandemic
Wednesday, October 6, 2021 (English)
6:00 - 7:00 PM (Pacific Time)
This webinar will focus on the ins-and-outs of the college admissions process including:
✦ What admissions officers look for in an applicant
✦ What impact does COVID-19 have on the college admissions process?
✦ How your GPA, test scores, extracurricular activities, and letters of recommendation are weighted
✦ Proven strategies you can use today to maximize your chances of admissions at your top schools
✦ What parents need to know about the application process
✦ What should I be doing now?
✦ ...and more!
✦ What admissions officers look for in an applicant
✦ What impact does COVID-19 have on the college admissions process?
✦ How your GPA, test scores, extracurricular activities, and letters of recommendation are weighted
✦ Proven strategies you can use today to maximize your chances of admissions at your top schools
✦ What parents need to know about the application process
✦ What should I be doing now?
✦ ...and more!
ICYMI: Putting the "YOU" in UC
The Successful UC Applicant
Thursday, October 7, 2021 (English)
6:00 - 7:00 PM (Pacific Time)
This webinar will give you an overview of what's inside the UC application including:
✦ 2021 UC Admissions Trends
✦ What UC admissions officers look for in an applicant
✦ How your GPA, awards & activities, and UC Personal Insight Questions (PIQs) are evaluated
✦ How to write the PIQs that best showcases who YOU are as a person
✦ Proven strategies you can use today to maximize your chances of admissions at the UCs
✦ ...and more!
✦ 2021 UC Admissions Trends
✦ What UC admissions officers look for in an applicant
✦ How your GPA, awards & activities, and UC Personal Insight Questions (PIQs) are evaluated
✦ How to write the PIQs that best showcases who YOU are as a person
✦ Proven strategies you can use today to maximize your chances of admissions at the UCs
✦ ...and more!