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我們專業顧問團隊會指導學生選擇適合他們的大學及專業,幫助學生準備推薦信語申請大學所需的個人資料,同時耐心的輔導學生一步一步的完成自己的大學申請表和助學金申請表的填寫; 協助學生完成一份充分展現自我優勢、突顯個人性格和優點且扣人心弦的大學申請論文。 |
(9-12th Grades) |
2D Game Design
Do you like to play games? How would you like to learn to create your own game instead of playing them? This course teaches students how to create their own role-playing game. Students will learn basic character design, level design, game planning, collision detection, environment background, and sound. Game Design with Minecraft Edu
Minecraft is a sandbox game where players can create and build, fight off enemies and explore vast landscapes. Our goal is to teach students Minecraft as a learning tool. For example, explore real life buildings, practice ratio and proportion, learn about survival. It also allowing students an opportunity for creative expression. The game is being used to teach more than just computer skills. (8 weeks program) . Intro Kids to Java Programming
Java is a programming language being used everyday. We used Java applications on web-site, games, super data center, and cell phone to internet. This course will focus on basic Java Programming and foundation of programming. Learning programming can be fun and enhancing game experiences. No prior programming experiences is necessary. Digital Arts with Photoshop
By taking our Digital Arts with Photoshop Program, we hope students can become creators of digital content. Students will be learning Geometric Concepts (math), Impressionistic Art, (visual arts), and Alliteration Poem (language arts). At the same time, students will be learning new Photoshop tools and techniques. Students will continue to improve their Photoshop skills while learning new Math and Science, Language Arts, and Visual Arts projects throughout the series. (4 months program) Arduino: Electronic & Computing
What is Arduino? Arduino is an open-source platform used for building electronics projects. Students can bring gadgets to life with Arduino™ and its software. Learn how to program electronics and use the Arduino™ micro controller to control real-world objects. We teaches these young minds both basic computer programming and electrical concepts using hands-on experiments. It easily lends itself to STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math). Mod Development with Minecraft
Minecraft is one of the world's most popular game. Instead of just playing Minecraft, students will learn mod development skills to create new tools, armor, food, ores, and much more in Minecraft world. Our goal is to provide solid foundation for building any mod and creating any world. Prerequisite: Intro to Java Programming. Android App Development with Java
Learn how to create Android App not only helps you to learn programming, but you will learn how to make an app for Android phone or tablet. This is a great class to start learning a simple application, and then developing more advance app later. Once you created an app, you can distributing it through the Google Play Store. Pre-requisite: Basics of Java Programming or Instructor's Approval |
Visual Fx/Animation Portfolio
Visual Fx/Animation Portfolio program is design to help high school students create a portfolio for college application. We focus heavily in storytelling and bring a story to life. In the Visual Fx/Animation Portfolio, students will be learning about storyboard, modeling, texturing, rigging, animation, lighting/rendering, and compositing. In this program, students will be learning MAYA® 3D software . Students will learn from instructors that have worked in the entertainment industry for many years. We want to provide our students the best educational experiences in the entertainment industry. Course Requirement: PC or MAC laptop Art/Design Portfolio
Student will learn drawing and graphic design. Learn how to use colors, design elements, type, layout and composition. This course will help students prepare his/her portfolio for higher educations in visual communication fields. Students will learn how to effective use visual language. This course will help students' presentation layout skill which will be useful in their college and school projects. In addition, they will learn to use the industry standard software–Adobe Creative Suite. Course Requirement: PC or MAC laptop Java Programming Portfolio
Java is a programming language being used everyday. We used Java applications on web-site, games, super data center, and cell phone to internet. Java Programming Portfolio starts with basic Java Programming. After basic Java course, student will be taking Intermediate Java Programming, Minecraft Modding with Java, and Android Phone App Development. Learning programming can be fun and enhancing game experiences. 3D Game Design Portfolio coming soon...
YSI is offering 3D Game Design Portfolio in the near future. This is a unique opportunities for high school student would like to pursue career in the Game Industry. If interested, please call to find out more details. |